Visiting Longmont Buddhist Temple – A Quick Start Guide

Visiting Longmont Buddhist Temple – A Quick Start Guide

Coming to the temple the first time can be a little nerve wracking especially when it’s all very new. Here are a few pointers to make the first visit easier.

Who can come to temple? Everyone. The doors are open to everyone to come and see if this path is for them.

How much do I need to know about Buddhism? Absolutely nothing! Whether you’re just curious about what takes place at temple or you’ve been practicing Buddhism for years, everyone is welcome. In fact, it’s the best way to learn about Buddhism.

What do I wear to temple? Do I take my shoes off? Wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to move freely without being uncomfortable. Your clothing should be neat and clean, not too flashy or revealing. You are not required to take off your shoes, but may notice some members do.

What takes place at the temple? We usually follow the same rhythm for services. There is a session for newcomers. Then a guided meditation and chanting followed by a Dharma talk. We burn incense (called Oshoko) – someone will show you how if you’re new. After the service, we have tea and chat.

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