Event Series Sunday Service – 2nd Sunday

Sunday Service

Before service, we provide a brief tour (at 9:30 a.m.) with time for questions and answers about how to engage in Shin Buddhism just as you are. Schedule: 9:30 am: Newcomer Information Q&A 10:00 am: Sitting Meditation 10:30 am: Dharma Talk 11:30 am: Conversation While it's free to attend LBT classes and services, we ask […]

Event Series Book Club !

Book Club !

Check out the latest on the Book Club page! Details for this event can be found on the below page: https://longmontbuddhism.org/resources/book-club/

Event Series Sunday Service – 4th Sunday

Sunday Service – 4th Sunday

Longmont Buddhist Temple 606 Pike Road, Longmont, CO, United States

Before service, we provide a brief tour (at 9:30 a.m.) with time for questions and answers about how to engage in Shin Buddhism just as you are. Schedule: 9:30 am: Newcomer Information Q&A 10:00 am: Sitting Meditation 10:30 am: Dharma Talk 11:30 am: Conversation While it's free to attend LBT classes and services, we ask […]

Event Series Sunday Service – 2nd Sunday

Sunday Service

Before service, we provide a brief tour (at 9:30 a.m.) with time for questions and answers about how to engage in Shin Buddhism just as you are. Schedule: 9:30 am: Newcomer Information Q&A 10:00 am: Sitting Meditation 10:30 am: Dharma Talk 11:30 am: Conversation While it's free to attend LBT classes and services, we ask […]

Event Series Book Club !

Book Club !

Check out the latest on the Book Club page! Details for this event can be found on the below page: https://longmontbuddhism.org/resources/book-club/

Event Series Sunday Service – 4th Sunday

Sunday Service – 4th Sunday

Longmont Buddhist Temple 606 Pike Road, Longmont, CO, United States

Before service, we provide a brief tour (at 9:30 a.m.) with time for questions and answers about how to engage in Shin Buddhism just as you are. Schedule: 9:30 am: Newcomer Information Q&A 10:00 am: Sitting Meditation 10:30 am: Dharma Talk 11:30 am: Conversation While it's free to attend LBT classes and services, we ask […]