Event Series Sunday Service – 4th Sunday

Sunday Service – 4th Sunday

Longmont Buddhist Temple 606 Pike Road, Longmont, CO, United States

Before service, we provide a brief tour (at 9:30 a.m.) with time for questions and answers about how to engage in Shin Buddhism just as you are. Schedule: 9:30 am: Newcomer Information Q&A 10:00 am: Sitting Meditation 10:30 am: Dharma Talk 11:30 am: Conversation While it's free to attend LBT classes and services, we ask […]

Event Series Meditation Class

Meditation Class

Longmont Buddhist Temple 606 Pike Road, Longmont, CO, United States

On the first Sunday of every month, we meet for a discussion of meditation and twenty minutes of practice. The class starts with a brief discussion meditation followed by a 15-20-minute sitting meditation session.  Afterwards you’re welcome to stay for tea and conversation.  The temple is located at 606 Pike Road and Hwy 287 in Longmont.  Zoom is […]

Event Series Sunday Service – 2nd Sunday

Sunday Service

Before service, we provide a brief tour (at 9:30 a.m.) with time for questions and answers about how to engage in Shin Buddhism just as you are. Schedule: 9:30 am: Newcomer Information Q&A 10:00 am: Sitting Meditation 10:30 am: Dharma Talk 11:30 am: Conversation While it's free to attend LBT classes and services, we ask […]

Event Series Buddhism Class

Buddhism Class

Longmont Buddhist Temple 606 Pike Road, Longmont, CO, United States

This class is designed to provide an understanding to the core concepts of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism.  Whether you're new to Buddhism or looking to reconnect with the basic principles and practices, this is a great class!  We are using the Everyday Buddhist curriculum at everydaybuddhist.teachable.com.  You're welcome to attend without using the Everyday Buddhist materials.  Please […]

Event Series Book Club !

Book Club !

Check out the latest on the Book Club page! Details for this event can be found on the below page: https://longmontbuddhism.org/resources/book-club/

Event Series Sunday Service – 4th Sunday

Sunday Service – 4th Sunday

Longmont Buddhist Temple 606 Pike Road, Longmont, CO, United States

Before service, we provide a brief tour (at 9:30 a.m.) with time for questions and answers about how to engage in Shin Buddhism just as you are. Schedule: 9:30 am: Newcomer Information Q&A 10:00 am: Sitting Meditation 10:30 am: Dharma Talk 11:30 am: Conversation While it's free to attend LBT classes and services, we ask […]